Evaluation of use and risks associated with bladder antimuscarinics

   Lead Investigator:    Daniela Moga
   Institution      :    University of Kentucky
   E-Mail           :    daniela.moga@uky.edu
   Proposal ID      :    336

Publications: 1 Moga DC, Abner E, Jicha G Bladder Antimuscarinics and Cognitive Decline in Elderly Patients Enrolled in the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center Cohort Abstract Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf,23(S1):173-174,2014,
2 Moga DC, Abner E, Jicha G Bladder Antimuscarinics Use by Older Women Enrolled in the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center Cohort 2014 Abstract Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting June 2014, Seattle, WA ,
3 Moga DC, Abner E, Wu Q, Jicha G Bladder Antimuscarinics and Cognitive Decline in Elderly Patients Enrolled in the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center Cohort Journal Article Alzheimers Dement (N Y),1:139-148,2017,PMC5408467

Proposal Description: